Review: Generation of Biogas from Kitchen Waste, Bagasse and Garden Waste
Abstract- In India, Large amount of kitchen waste, vegetable waste, bagasse, garden waste are obtained which is given in municipal solid waste which adds to management of waste. If it can be utilized for better purposes it can reduce load to municipal solid waste management. This waste being organic in nature can be used for biogas production. This paper reviews the utilization of organic waste available for anaerobic digestion of waste and thus utilization of waste to energy. Any matter which can be decomposable by the action of microorganisms in a short period of time is called biodegradable. Mostly food waste; vegetable waste, bagasse, Garden waste are biodegradable. These wastes are generally dumped in dumping sites which when degraded release carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide into the environment thereby contributes to air pollution and odors pollution. In this paper review of experiment work by different researchers for generation and utilization of biogas by organic wastes. This paper even opens new avenue of waste to energy method of disposal of municipal waste. These waste if treated in proper method can be utilize for integrated solid waste management. Efficiency of production of biogas increases by mixing cow dung to any of these wastes. Cow dung is also easily available in rural part of India and even at urban India. This paper leads to finding out most effective waste for biogas production and finding its percentage with cow dung.